Deadlines (23:59 AOE)
Paper Submission | May 2nd, 2025 |
Paper Notification | July 24th, 2025 |
Paper Camera-Ready | August 21st, 2025 |
About DSAA Applications Track
The DSAA’2025 Applications Track solicits high-quality, original papers presenting applications and best practices of Data Science and Advanced Analytics across various disciplines and domains, including business, government, health and medical science, physical sciences, and social sciences.
Submissions are expected to address problems on real-life data and the results can ideally be reproducible through a public git repository. Furthermore, submitted papers are expected to provide interesting, insightful results to policy-makers, end-users, or practitioners of Data Science and Advanced Analytics or to highlight new challenges for researchers motivated by the specific needs and characteristics of application areas. Topics of interests include but are not limited to:
- Generative AI applications
- Domain-specific data science and analytics practice, including business analytics, health/medical analytics, financial analytics, environmental analytics and analytics in scientific domains such as physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology and material science
- Government analytics and enterprise analytics
- Cloud, crowd, online, mobile and distributed data analytics
- Business, economic, environmental, social impact modeling
- Real-world applications, case studies and demonstrations
- Operationalizable infrastructures, platforms, and tools
- Deployment, management and policy-making
- Ethics, social issues, privacy, trust, fairness and bias
- Reflections and lessons for better data/analytics practices
Submissions for the DSAA’2025 Applications Track should very clearly specify the problem being solved, what methodologies were used to solve the problem, what data was used, how the results were evaluated, and how the solution is being used.
Paper Submissions
All papers should be submitted electronically via OpenReview.
The length of each paper submitted to the Applications tracks should be no more than ten (10) pages and should be formatted following the standard 2-column U.S. letter style of IEEE Conference template. For further information and instructions, see the IEEE Proceedings Author Guidelines.
All submissions will be double-blind reviewed by the Program Committee based on technical quality, relevance to the conference’s topics of interest, originality, significance, and clarity. Author names and affiliations must not appear in the submissions, and bibliographic references must be adjusted to preserve author anonymity. Submissions failing to comply with paper formatting and authors anonymity will be rejected without reviews.
Because of the double-blind review process, non-anonymous papers that have been issued as technical reports or similar cannot be considered for DSAA’2025. An exception to this rule applies to arXiv papers that were published in arXiv at least a month prior to DSAA’2025 submission deadline. Authors can submit these arXiv papers to DSAA provided that the submitted paper’s title and abstract are different from the one appearing in arXiv.
Proceedings and Indexing
All accepted full-length papers will be published by IEEE and will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The conference proceedings will be submitted for EI indexing through INSPEC by IEEE.
Important Policies
1. Reproducibility & supplementary: The advancement of data science depends heavily on reproducibility. We strongly recommend that the authors release their code and data to the public. Authors can provide an optional two (2) page supplement at the end of their submitted paper (it needs to be in the same PDF file and start on page 11). This supplement can only be used to include (i) information necessary for reproducing the experimental results reported in the paper (e.g., various algorithmic and model parameters and configurations, hyper-parameter search spaces, details related to dataset filtering and train/test splits, software versions, detailed hardware configuration, etc.), and (ii) any data, pseudo-code and proofs that due to space limitations, could not be included in the main manuscript. Papers entering into the Best Research Paper and Best Application Paper awards must show solid evidence for reproducibility.
2. Authorship: The list of authors at the time of submission is final and cannot be changed.
3. Dual submissions: DSAA is an archival publication venue as such submissions that have been previously published, accepted, or are currently under-review at peer-review publication venues (i.e., journals, conferences, workshops with published proceedings, etc.) are not permitted. DSAA has a strict no dual submission policy.
4. Conflicts of interest (COI): COIs must be declared at the time of submission. COIs include employment at the same institution at the time of submission or in the past three years, collaborations during the past three years, advisor/advisee relationships, plus family and close friends. Program chairs are not allowed to submit proposals to their managed tracks and sessions.
5. Attendance: At least one author of each accepted paper must register in full and attend the conference to present the paper. No-show papers will be removed from the IEEE Xplore proceedings.
6. AI Generated Text: The use of artificial intelligence (AI)-generated text in an article shall be disclosed in the acknowledgements section of any paper submitted to an IEEE Conference or Periodical. The sections of the paper that use AI-generated text shall have a citation to the AI system used to generate the text.
General enquiries about Applications Track paper submissions should be submitted to Track Chairs.
Applications Track Chairs
Dongwon Lee, Penn State University, US
Yali Du, Kings College London, UK